Today begins week 2 of round 2. I finished up the Clomid yesterday and I am happy to report it did not make me crazy this time around. Hold on while I ask Dave to confirm that. . .He says he hasn’t noticed a change in my mood. I think that means he agrees.
I started peeing on those awesome sticks yesterday and I’m sorry to say the whole ordeal is a bit messy. But I can’t complain. If it takes a little mess to ensure we conceive a child, I guess it’s worth it.
We have a lot going on in our lives right now so I keep coming back to thoughts of peace. I just want His peace to be so present in our hearts and minds that although this is an intense process, we don’t even realize it.
Heather and I completed another chapter this week. We’re making progress and I know we’ll have this baby done in no time. Thank you for your prayers and support as we take this crazy ride.
Praying for peace in your hearts and minds no matter what you are facing this week.
Pregnant?: Tk 2, Wk 2 is a post from: The Pregnancy Companion