Nothing much to report this week. Just hoping the ovulation fairy visits me this time around. I will visit Dr. Rupe’s office on day 21 to get my progesterone levels checked and that will let us know if the fairy stopped by my reproductive system this month.
Did you know that not all women ovulate by the book? I’m one of the exceptions due to PCOS but there are other reasons women don’t ovulate right in the middle of their cycle. Some might ovulate a little earlier than normal, some later. Sometimes it can depend on environmental factors such as stress and sometimes it’s just the way it is. I probably shouldn’t be giving out information since I’m not a qualified source. But maybe my attempt will ensure that Dr. Rupe chimes in share more on this subject.
The bottom line is (and I think I’m qualified to state this fact) – all women are different. So if you suspect you are not a textbook case then speak to your doctor about it. If you have a doctor as great as Dr. Rupe they’ll be able to help you navigate what’s going on in order to find out what’s right for YOU.
I’d better wrap this up. I need to go find a condom I can leave under my pillow tonight in case the fairy drops by. I have to leave her something!
Pregnant?: Tk 2, Wk 3 is a post from: The Pregnancy Companion