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Pregnant?: Tk 2, Wk 1


My prayers have been answered! Woo hoo! I’ve never been so excited to be a woman! How sad.

So this is Week 1 of Take 2. And today I started Clomid. Dr. Rupe had planned on posting this weekend to tell you more about Clomid but she got stuck at the hospital all weekend delivery babies. Why do babies always decide to come in the middle of the night and on the weekends? Don’t they understand the 40 hour work week?! I promise she’ll join us soon to set the record straight on anything I’ve misrepresented.

So Clomid. . .it’s simple really. I take 5 pills, one a day from days 3-7 of my cycle and it makes me ovulate. It also makes me really moody so say a little prayer that Dave will be gracious this month! He usually is. The hardest part of the Clomid cycle is knowing when I ovulate. A woman typically ovulates 14 days before the start of her next cycle (or right in the middle if you have a normal 28 day cycle) but I tend to ovulate a bit later. If a woman assumes she ovulates by the book, she may miss her chance to conceive. That is why they make those handy, dandy ovulation tests that I mentioned last month. I went ahead and made an investment is the super, duper pack this time. You get 20 tests instead of just 7. The 7 test packs are for girls that are pretty sure they ovulate within the normal window. For me, with only 7 tests, odds are I’d miss it. So for a mere $35 I’ve got the best chance of knowing exactly when I can conceive. Dave was hesitant to drop that much cash on a bunch of sticks I will pee on. I explained that $35 was a lot less of an investment then the $1500+ we’d have to spend at the fertility doctor if we didn’t make this work. He agreed.

I have a renewed sense of faith going into this month. I’ve been reading in Genesis this week about Abraham and Sarah. I love that story because even though they did not walk through their journey perfectly, God still blessed them with a son. Sure, they had consequences for their actions but His promise still prevailed. You would think after believing and later receiving from God in the past, it would be that much easier for me to do it this time around. Truth is every different thing we trust God for comes with a different process. The goal is for your faith to be strengthened with each one.

So here I go again. Thanks for your prayers.

Pregnant?: Tk 2, Wk 1 is a post from: The Pregnancy Companion

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